Women Together Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success

Women Together Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success (Women TIES)is successfully creating a regional marketplace for women entrepreneurs in Central New York. Women TIES is dedicated to promoting, educating and inspiring women entrepreneurs not only in CNY but nationwide. Women TIES provides a vehicle for the exchange of success strategies through a quarterly publication, weekly emails, seminars, luncheons and online directory.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Testimonials Can Aid in Marketing

As women we are not use to singing our own praises. We can compliment our children, husbands, families, business associates and best friends very easily,
but when it is time to give ourselves and our businesses accolades it is difficult. It's a proven fact that testimonials from valued clients, associates, and vendors
are powerful in aiding corporate sales. Yet testimonials are one of the most underused resource when creating a marketing message. We can talk at lengths about our fantastic corporate services and products, but when someone else provides a valuable testimonial and backs what we are saying it's more believable to the consumer. Here are some Women TIES tips for using testimonials to help your business grow.

Testimonial Basics: A written testimonial should be phrased to showcase a benefit of doing business with your company. A testimonial should have a more specific than general message. An impactful testimonial should cause the reader to want to take action with your company right away.

Where to Use Them: Testimonials can be used in various marketing pieces:
websites, brochures, sales packets, and press kits.Testimonials can be effective when you are trying to close a deal with a major client. A one page testimonial insert can be part of a proposal packet.

Securing Testimonials:
Create a list of your top ten customers, the ones who believe in your business 100%, and set a time to see them over coffee or lunch. Explain to them your interest in using client testimonials in your new marketing strategy and ask them if they'd provide a testimonial. Be prepared to give them some guidance on what type of testimonial you're looking for. End the meeting by providing them with an idea or lead for their business as a small token for their time in helping you.

In entrepreneurial spirit, Tracy Higginbotham


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