Women Together Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success

Women Together Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success (Women TIES)is successfully creating a regional marketplace for women entrepreneurs in Central New York. Women TIES is dedicated to promoting, educating and inspiring women entrepreneurs not only in CNY but nationwide. Women TIES provides a vehicle for the exchange of success strategies through a quarterly publication, weekly emails, seminars, luncheons and online directory.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fall Publicity Ideas

If you ask most women entrepreneurs what they wish they had more of, it would be publicity for their businesses. Although we can't garner constant media attention like celebrities, national companies, and politicians receive, we can plan, prepare, and poise ourselves for some great PR for the Fall and Holiday season if we start right now. Here are some great PR tips to get you charged up for the Fall.

Hit Them in September - Local media will feature local businesses with interesting stories, hot trends and nationally inspired topics especially during a low advertising period or news month like late August or early September. If you've been trying to sell the media on a story about your business, prepare, plan and send it out soon. Paid political advertising season gets hot in October and November and there is limited room for 'free' stories. Hit the media now with a great press release.

Feature Creative Partnerships and Products - With the holiday season approaching, some women entrepreneurs are creating unique holiday products alone or collaborating on new products with other women entrepreneurs. If you have a special product you are launching for holiday sales, start putting together a media package, press release, and timeline now. Remember...don't just market your holiday products locally, think big and try selling it regionally, statewide, or nationally.

Corporate Giving is Noteworthy - If your company is involved with donating items or offering services to non-profit agencies during the holiday season, don't be afraid to ask the organization you are donating to for publicity and exposure. Request your company name and logo be listed on marketing pieces. Additionally write a separate press release on your company's gift if your contribution is significant. Don't be afraid to give your business and your favorite organization PR.

There are some accomplished Women TIES entrepreneurs who specialize in PR and advertising. Check out our website at http://www.womenties.com for the names of Central New York women entrepreneurs who can help you with other PR ideas to grow your business.


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