Women Together Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success

Women Together Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success (Women TIES)is successfully creating a regional marketplace for women entrepreneurs in Central New York. Women TIES is dedicated to promoting, educating and inspiring women entrepreneurs not only in CNY but nationwide. Women TIES provides a vehicle for the exchange of success strategies through a quarterly publication, weekly emails, seminars, luncheons and online directory.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Finding Time Is Essential For Success

Time...most of us feel like we don't have enough of it. Time to plan. Time to fix problems. Time to thank our clients. Time to explore new opportunities. Time to just enjoy our successes.

Because women entrepreneurs are determined to be accomplished, innovative, successful, growing, expanding, and developing all the time, we don't have enough of this precious commodity so we can prepare, find solutions, research, and relax. Here are a few timesaving solutions for busy women entrepreneurs.

"Dial Up, Road Runner, Wireless" - If you haven't switched from a dial-up Internet connection to high speed Internet connection or haven't researched wireless Internet capabilities yet, find time this month to do so. Stop wasting valuable time when efficiency and speed are only a phone call away.

"It Takes Time, To Make Time" - We know we don't have to do everything ourselves in order to run a successful business but we still do. We perform tasks that could be handled by an employee or outsourced to another women entrepreneur. If we studied how we spent our time, we would discover responsibilities someone could handle. Make a plan today to monitor your work load and give some responsibilities away to someone else.

"Stockpile Supplies & Efficient Earrands" - Depending on the size of your business, you may or may not have someone responsible for monitoring supplies. Countless hours are wasted each year when you run out your staples! Schedule the first and last day of the month to check supplies and make one run to your favorite supply store.

Remember "Luck is infatuated with the efficient" - Persian Proverb


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