Women Together Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success

Women Together Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success (Women TIES)is successfully creating a regional marketplace for women entrepreneurs in Central New York. Women TIES is dedicated to promoting, educating and inspiring women entrepreneurs not only in CNY but nationwide. Women TIES provides a vehicle for the exchange of success strategies through a quarterly publication, weekly emails, seminars, luncheons and online directory.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Plan, Prepare and Develop

Women entrepreneurs are the most dedicated, tenacious, and hard working people I know. We exceed our busines projections because we have amazing work ethic and drive. Our companies are successful because of our unbelieveable energy level and fortitude. We demand more of ourselves than most other business professionals do from themselves because we refuse to fall short in our goals. Failure is not in our vocabulary.

But the hot days of summer are a special time of year for women entrepreneurs. We relax, breathe and work alittle bit differently. We spend our time wisely and efficiently knowing summertime is brief. We allow ourselves extra time to enjoy this season and spend less time working our traditional schedules, because flexibility is one of the main reasons we became entrepreneurs in the first place.

The glorious mornings and peaceful sunsets not only bring balance and harmony to our typical busy lifestyles, they also bring calmness to our working minds and tired bodies. Mid to late summer is a perfect to time to plan, prepare and develop new business plans for the 'second new year' which occurs the day after Labor Day. September is right behind January as a busy planning month for women entrepreneurs. Forecasting, planning, and preparing our businesses for a busy fall season can be best done during the month of August and early September when the days are long, the air is warm, and we are relaxed, refreshed, and rejunvenated.


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