Women Together Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success

Women Together Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success (Women TIES)is successfully creating a regional marketplace for women entrepreneurs in Central New York. Women TIES is dedicated to promoting, educating and inspiring women entrepreneurs not only in CNY but nationwide. Women TIES provides a vehicle for the exchange of success strategies through a quarterly publication, weekly emails, seminars, luncheons and online directory.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Push Past Fear

Five years ago on 9/11 fear infiltrated our lives.
Our security was shaken,our world was altered,our perspective changed. We understood what we lost,how our lives were effected and how life goes on even when the worst of times are upon us. As women entrepreneurs we've felt fear before. We felt scared to start our businesses - afraid we might fail. We were nervous about financial challenges, uncertain on how we would grow our companies, and worried about really making it. But we survived. We conquered fear. We moved in it, through it, beyond it. Today’s advice focuses on taking new risks to grow our business.

Do Something You Have Been Afraid To Do:
What have you been afraid to do recently that might make a big difference in your business? Have you wanted to schedule an appointment with a business woman you’ve admired from afar? Have you avoided calling a CEO of a company you want to do business with? Are you afraid to seek financing from new sources? You know what you’ve been afraid to do. Consider today's message the catalyst you need to pick up the phone and do it. It might be the best thing you’ve done for your business this year.

Step Into A New Market:
Most established businesses have conquered a portion of the market. But what about the other parts of the marketing ‘pie’ you haven’t targeted yet? Is it time to take some risks to see if you can reap financial rewards by marketing to a different audience?

Network with People You’ve Never Met Before:
Most of us are comfortable in organizations and networks of people we know well. It’s much harder to meet new people and start all over. But you never know who you’ll meet, what you’ll learn, or how the encounter could change the course of your business.
Pick one organization you’ve always wanted to learn more about and go to one meeting or event this month.


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