As women entrepreneurs we can brand like the big boys. It takes some creative thought, action, and some financial investment to launch our own branding initiative. Today's advice highlights branding ideas for your company.
Conduct Some Research: Pick one of your favorite national companies like Starbucks, Lexus, or Wendy's and study their branding program. What message do they convey? Where do you see their logo? What creativity do they use in placing their corporate logo and image everywhere so you notice them? Create a list of ways you can implement some of their branding techniques in your business.
Think Creatively: Most of us dream of seeing our company name 'in lights'. It's possible. It can be as grand as buying billboard space or sponsoring major events with celebrities involved, or as simple as having our name on magnets placed on refrigerators in every house in Central New York, or having our company name on little league hats and shirts we sponsor. The more our logo and name is in the community, the quicker we brand our company. Take a half hour this week to list all the possible places to display your company logo. Start branding now.
Share Your Ideas With Another Woman Entrepreneur: Periodically working with someone else can help you think bigger. If you are a sole proprietor, ask one or two like minded women you know and trust to sit down with you for a brainstorming session. Toss around universal branding ideas you both can utilize and then discuss unique branding ideas for each company. Schedule a brainstorming session this month with another women entrepreneur and reap great results.